Marilyn Ann McGraw, Ph.D.
Dr. Marilyn focuses on creating impactful outcomes through individual and corporate coaching, speaking engagements, training, meeting facilitation, and retreats. By motivating individuals to operate at their highest “disruptive leader” potential, she has gained a reputation for facilitating her clients’ ability to achieve transformational results while becoming “excellence at work.”
Excellence is what happens when eloquence and passion work together with courage to execute the impossible. ~ Marilyn Ann McGraw, Ph.D.
Whether a client is a leader of one or many, Dr. Marilyn works with successful and emerging leaders domestically and abroad ensuring their achievement of organizational and personal goals with a focus on transforming them into disruptive leaders. She is also an ongoing speaker at both corporate and nonprofit events and has been featured in such global publications as Japan’s JMA Management Center Measurement of Training Evaluation journal.
True disruption, dare I say employee empowerment, occurs in an environment where innovation is not only expected but actively celebrated and rewarded. Where fear and micromanagement are replaced by courage and passion to contribute the never before executed. ~ Marilyn Ann McGraw, Ph.D.
Dr. Marilyn is an excellent coach and facilitator. Not only does she present new ideas and ways of thought, she is also skilled at discovering existing hidden value in people and groups and bringing that talent and value forward in her management consulting style. She also leads the integration of these new concepts with great skill and insight.
Anthony Petit, Portrait photographer
Managment Consulting
I worked with Marilyn during a complex marketing ROI implementation at a Fortune 100 tech company. During this engagement Marilyn exhibited an ability to effectively address and resolve complex team dynamics and communication issues in her management consulting. Additionally, Marilyn proved adept at developing quality client deliverables in a relatively short period of time by adapting existing knowledge to the project context and supplementing as needed with original frameworks/methodologies.
Chris Ritchie, AVP, Business Process Improvement
Keynote Speaking
Recently had the pleasure of experiencing Dr. Marilyn’s infectious message on leadership fundamentals and disruptive leadership. Her combination of personal warmth and charisma left audience members feeling energized and ready to embrace new levels of leadership excellence in their respective workplaces. I highly recommend Dr. Marilyn’s management consulting for any organization or professional association looking to inspire their people to higher levels of professional achievement and personal satisfaction. Rarely does a leadership speaker touch the hearts and minds of her audience the way Dr. Marilyn does.
Judit Sarossy, MFTI at Santa Clara Unified School District
Thought Leadership
Be committed to helping clients develop the strategy, motivation, and accountability required to succeed in their personal and business lives.
Use sound organizational development and leadership principles to collaborate with clients, as they accomplish the excellence they are capable of achieving.
View each contract as an agreement not between a business and its customers, but between partners who wish to create a close and mutually beneficial long-term relationship.
In Dr. Marilyn you will find a management consultant who can gauge diverse capabilities among strong leaders, a facilitator with the skill to unify and align leaders’ individual strengths to the organization’s strategy, and a speaker who motivates her audiences!
Dr. Marilyn created an innovative program for screening and developing senior leaders at BearingPoint. Our division implemented a number of her recommendations that have led to an effective leadership development program for us.
I had the pleasure to witness the MOST dynamic public speaker I have seen in my 25+ years of human resources management experience! The occasion was our company’s new employee orientation and the speaker was Dr. Marilyn McGraw. Although I have observed the same information being presented numerous times before, her energy was contagious and it was soon evident that every new hire in the room was grateful for the opportunity to come work for our company! I highly recommend Excellence at Work and Dr. McGraw to any one or any company wanting to incite enthusiasm and motivate a team towards greatness!!